The fur trade was one of the oldest trades in human history. Indigenous people and hunter gather societies, who were frugal and resource efficient knew how to use all parts of the animal they had hunted, so skinning, tanning and dyeing the skins was a respected part of their hunting ritual and culture. Up until the 1960s fur coats and accessories were used widely across the world, due to the comfort and warmth the fur ensures. Two major developments changed this, when in the late 1960s central heating became the norm for most households in europe, making fur coats a luxury instead of a necessity. At around the same time, animal rights activist called to action to publicly shame and harass people, mostly women, who were seen wearing a fur coat. This was a response to horrific pictures that went public of seals that were killed for their fur. While many other factors also played a role in the happening of the 60s and 70s, fur quickly became taboo, synonymous with suffering and torture. What was once a proudly worn heirloom or investment became a dust catcher in most peoples closet.
A vintage fur coat is an extremly high quality product, almost unimaginable in our fast paced consumerist age. One fur coat on average took over 100 hours to make, as the fur pieces are meticolously sewn together to create the illusion of one single piece of fur. When taking apart these vintage coats the true craftsmanship is revealed. Made to last and be an inheritable treasure in the future, the leather and fur has been treated to withstand extreme temperatures, attributes that now enable us to reuse and upcycle this wonderful material and give it a second life.
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